OFITE, 11302 Steeplecrest Dr., Houston, TX 77065 USA / Tel: 832-320-7300 / Fax: 713-880-9886 / www.ofite.com
Conditioning Cycles:
When Multiple Conditioning is on and the peak gel
strength meets or exceeds the value in the Threshold Strength field, the
software will advance to the next Conditioning Cycle and condition the
sample for the set time at the set speed. Cycle 0 is the initial conditioning,
before any measurements are taken. Click the Edit Cycles button to add
Conditioning Cycles.
Measure During Conditioning:
When this option is unchecked, the
SGSM will condition the cement in the opposite direction from measure-
ment. This reduces the load on the transducer to prolong its life. When
this option is checked, the SGSM will condition in the same direction as
measurement and will record data during the conditioning cycle.
Enabling this option is not recommended. It will shorten the life of the
ultrasonic transducers.
Variable Test Time:
When this option is checked, the SGSM will end the
measurement period immediately when it senses a gel strength peak.
When this option is unchecked, the SGSM will continue the measure-
ment period for the entire “Test Time”, regardless of when the gel strength
peack was detected.
Disable Zero Compensation:
The Zero Compensation routine measures
and maps the mechanical resistance in the bushings in order to com-
pensate and give better readings. When this option is checked, the Zero
Compensation routine will be skipped.
Stop Time:
The amount of time the bob will pause between gel strength
measurement periods.
Cond. Time:
The amount of time the SGSM will condition the cement
before it begins measuring gel strength. This field is disabled if Multiple
Conditioning is turned on.
Cond. Speed:
The speed (rpm) the bob will turn during conditioning. This
field is disabled if Multiple Conditioning is turned on.