5-4 Peripheral Equipment
Edition 2
6. Press the AL (analog loopback) button on the modem to determine whether it
generates a carrier tone.
The CD and TEST LEDs light. If the CD and TEST LEDs do not light, check that
the modem is receiving power. If the modem is receiving power, replace the modem.
7. Set the RDAC SMT parameters. Set the main-port baud rate to 1200. Refer to
Chapter 2, page 2-6, for the correct operating parameters.
Using the RDAC
You can use an RDAC to access the Octel Overture 350 either with or without a
With a Telephone
To access the Octel Overture 350 from an RDAC with a telephone, do the following:
1. If you want to access the SMT menus, make sure the primary SMT is logged out.
Call the system manager at the primary SMT location to log out of the Octel
Overture 350. If you want to review alarms only, the primary SMT does not need to
be logged out.
2. From the telephone at the RDAC location, call the Octel Overture 350 by dialing the
Octel Overture 350 RDAC-dedicated telephone number, and wait for the modem
carrier tone.
3. When the modem carrier tone registers, press the DATA button on the modem and
hang up the telephone. A message is displayed, indicating that the RDAC is
connected to the Octel Overture 350.
4. Press Return on the RDAC SMT.
You are prompted to enter 1 for system access or 2 for alarm status.
5. Do one or more of the following:
To review the alarms, type 2 and press Return.
To establish access to the Octel Overture 350, type 1 and press Return.
If you typed 1 and pressed Return, you are prompted to enter the system manager