- 17 -
This value depends on pulse scale numeration/denomination. This range is for when pulse scale numeration/denomination is
To function Software Limit, “Software Limit” must be enabled in mode setting. For more details, see “Software Limit” of chapter
3.1 “Mode Setting”.
Driving End Pulse Width
Sets end pulse width for end pulse output from nDRIVE/END signal of I/F connecter at the end of driving.
Display Setting
End Pulse Width (msec)
65535 (msec)
To function End Pulse Width, “End Pulse” must be enabled in mode setting. For more details, see “End Pulse” of chapter 3.1
“Mode Setting”.
Pulse Scale Numeration
Pulse Scale Numeration is the numerator value to perform scaling for position data.
Display Setting
Pulse Scale numerator
65535 1000
Scaling function of position data is to convert to pulse value by multiplying the input/display position data by the specified
coefficient. This function allows the user to handle position data in a unit of mm or inch. MR210AU/220AU converts to pulse
value by multiplying the input/display position data by the following coefficient.
When inputting a certain position data by keys, the coefficient shown in the left formula is multiplied and then the value will be
stored as pulse value in MR210AU/220AU. Also, when position data is displayed, the coefficient shown in the right formula is
multiplied and then the value will be displayed.
For example, if 1 pulse of driving pulses is equivalent to 0.01mm of moving distance, to display position data in a unit of mm, set
100/1 to scale numerator/scale denominator. If input value 1 is written, it will convert to 100 pulses and 100 pulses will be
displayed as 1.00. If calculation result is after the decimal point, it is rounded off up to the valid decimal place for 1 pulse and then
it will be displayed.
Position data which scaling is performed is as follows:
The values of pulse scale numerator and denominator affect all the position data. Configure them at the beginning of
system development based on circumstances such as motor rotation step angles or ball screw pitch. Once configure values, do not
change them on the way.
The factory default of pulse scale numerator/denominator is 1000/1000, which indicates input/display equal to pulse value.
Pulse Scale Denomination
Pulse Scale Denomination is the denominator value to perform scaling for position data.
Display Setting
Pulse Scale denominator
65535 1000
Position Data Performed Scaling
Main Screen
Position, Preset Value
Parameter Screen
Home Search Offset, Software Limit
Program Edit Screen Position data of ABS Command and INC Command
Pulse Value
Input Value ×
Pulse Scale Numerator
Pulse Scale Denominator
Displayed Value
Pulse Value ×
Pulse Scale Denominator
Pulse Scale Numerator