OM-IO-Link Master.08
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
4. Function
4.1. Parameter setting
4.2. Visual indication
Parameter setting
Visual indication
IO-Link 9
Voltage output
The device provides the following configuration options:
• Parameter setting of the IO-Link master of the NC-MP-4A4B-12DLA/AL1403 with
parameter setting software LR DEVICE and/or PROFINET projection software
• Parameter setting of the connected IO-Link devices (sensors, actuators) with parameter
setting software LR DEVICE and/or PROFINET projection software
• Storage of parameter sets of the connected IO-Link devices for automatic recovery (data storage)
The device has the following visual indicators:
• Status and error indication of the gateway, of the PROFINET connection and of the system
• Status display of the voltage supply
• Status and activity display of the Ethernet connection
• Status, error and short circuit/overload indication of the IO-Link ports
The device offers the following ProfiNet functions:
• PROFINET RT Device (Conformance Class C)
• 2-port switch for access to the PROFINET interface; integrated switch complies with RT and IRT according to PROFINET V2.3
• Gateway for transmission of the process and parameter data between the
connected IO-Link devices and the higher-level PROFINET controller
• Configuration in Run (CiR)
• Supported protocols: SNMP, LLDP, MRP, DCP, RTA, RTC Class 1 (not synchronised)
• Profinet functions: FSU, I&M0 - 4 read / write, S2 redundancy
• Device description: GSDML file
The following IO-Link functions:
• IO-Link master (IO-Link revision 1.0 and 1.1)
• 8 IO-Link ports for connection of IO-Link devices
• Provision of process data of the connected IO-Link devices for LR
SMARTOBSERVER monitoring software (→ www.norgren.com)