OM-IO-Link Master.027
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
The user can set the operating mode separately for each IO-Link port.
To set the operating type of pin 4 (US) of an IO-Link port:
Select [Port x] menu (x = 1...8).
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Set the following parameters as required:
9.1.9. IO-Link ports: Set the operating mode Pin 4
pin 4 of the IO-Link-Ports X1 ... X8 supports the following operating modes:
• Disabled: no data transmission to pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• Digital input (DI): binary input signal at pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• Digital output (DO): binary output signal at pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
• IO-Link: IO-Link data transfer via pin 4 (C/Q) of the IO-Link port
Save changed values on the device.
*... Parameter only available if [Mode] = [IO-Link]
** ... Parameter only visible if the IO-Link device is connected to the IO-Link port.
Possible values
[Mode Pin4 US]
Operating mode of the pin 4 of the port
no data transmission
digital input
digital output
IO-Link data
[Cycle time actual]**
Current cycle time of the data transfer between
IO-Link master and IO-Link device on the port (value in microseconds)
Parameter can only be read
[Cycle time preset]*
Cycle time of the data transfer between the IO-Link master and the
IO-Link device at the port (value in microseconds)
The device automatically sets the
fastest possible cycle time.
1 microsecond
132800 microseconds
Current transmission rate of the data transfer between the IO-Link
master and the IO-Link device on the port
Parameter can only be read