OM-IO-Link Master.025
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
9.1.6. IO-Link ports: Activate data transfer to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER
To activate / deactivate data transfer:
Select [Port x] menu (x = 1...8).
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Set the following parameters as required:
The user can set the operating mode separately for each IO-Link port. To
set the operating mode of pin 2 (UA) of an IO-Link port:
Select menu [Port x] (x = 1...X1...X4)
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Set the following parameters as required:
Possible values
[Mode Pin2 UA]
Operating mode of pin 2 of the port
[Off (IO-Link Type A Supply)]
IO-Link Port Class A
[On (IO-Link Type B Supply)]
IO-Link Port Class B
[Digital Output]
Digital switching output
To transfer process data the interface to the LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER has to be correctly
configured (→ IoT:
Configure the interface to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER
(→ S. 27)).
Save changed values on the device.
Save changed values on the device.
The user can decide separately for each IO-Link port whether the process data of the connected
IO-Link devices should be transferred to LR AGENT or LR SMARTOBSERVER.
Possible values
[Transmission to LR Agent
Transfer of process data of the connected IO-Link device
Transfer process data
Do not transfer process data
9.1.7. IO-Link ports: Set the operating mode Pin 2 (UA)
The pin 2 of the IO-Link ports X1...X4 supports the following operating modes:
• Off: Pin 2 is disconnected from power; The port functions as IO-Linkport type A
• On: The voltage UA is connected to pin 2; the ports functions as IO-Linkport Class B
• Digital output (DO): A binary output signal is on pin 2; the port functions as a digital switching output