OM-IO-Link Master.028
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
Validation of the IO-Link device
Storage of the parameter values
Recovery of the parameter values
[No check and clear]
[Type compatible V1.0 device]
yes, test the compatibility with IO-Link
standard V1.0
[Type compatible V1.1 device]
yes, test the compatibility with IO-Link
standard V1.1
[Type compatible V1.1 device with Backup
+ Restore]
yes, test the compatibility with IO-Link
standard V1.1 and identity of design
(vendor ID and device ID)
yes, automatic storage of the parameter
values; changes of the current parameter
values will be stored
yes, recovery of the parameter values
when connecting an identical IO-Link
device with factory settings
[Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore]
yes, test the compatibility with IO-Link
standard V1.1 and identity of design
(vendor ID and device ID)
no, there is no automatic storage
changes of the current parameter values
will not be stored
yes, recovery of the parameter values
when connecting an identical IO-Link
device with factory settings
9.1.10. IO-Link ports: Set the device validation and data storage
The options only apply if the IO-Link port is in the operating mode “IO-Link”.
For options [Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore] and [Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore]:
If the vendor ID and device ID are changed in the online mode, the data memory will be deleted and a new
backup of the parameter values of the connected IO-Link device will be created in the IO-Link master.
The user can choose how the IO-Link ports are to behave with regard to the device validation
and the storage / recovery of parameter data of the connected IO-Link device.
The following options are available:
To configure the device validation and the data storage:
Select [Port x] menu (x = 1...8).
> The menu page shows the current settings.
Set the following parameters as required:
Save changed values on the device.
Possible values
[Validation / Data Storage]
Supported IO-Link standard and behavior of the
IO-Link master when connecting a new IO-Link
device at port x (x = 1...8)
[No check and clear]
[Type compatible V1.0 device]
[Type compatible V1.1 device]
[Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore]
[Type compatible V1.1 device with Restore]
[Vendor ID]
ID of the manufacturer that is to be validated
Factory setting: 0#
IMI Norgren: 310
[Device ID]
ID of the IO-Link device that is to be validated
Factory setting: 0