OM-IO-Link Master.014
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
Ground the unit via the mounting screw of the upper mounting lugs.
• Tightening torque: 1.8 Nm
Optional: Connect pin 5 of the port XD1 or XD2 via an L-coded M12 connector with the FE
socket of the power supply.
6.4. Ground the device
The FE potential is connected to the following points of the device:
• Upper mounting lug of the housing
• Ports XD1 and XD2: Pin 5 (FE)
• Ports XF1 and XF2
To ensure the protection of the device against electrical interference and to ensure the safe function of the
device, the housing must be connected to the GND of the installation using the shortest possible route.
Ground the device
The FE potential is connected to the following points of the device:
Upper mounting lug of the housing
Ports XD1 and XD2: Pin 5 (FE)
Ports XF1 and XF2
To ensure the protection of the device against electrical interference and to ensure the safe
function of the device, the housing must be connected to the GND of the installation using the
shortest possible route.
► Ground the unit via the mounting screw of the upper
mounting lugs.
Tightening torque: 1.8 Nm
► Optional: Connect pin 5 of the port XD1 or XD2 via an L-
coded M12 connector with the FE socket of the power