OM-IO-Link Master.033
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
9.2.2. Integrate the IO-Link master in the project
Using the installed GSD file, the IO-Link master can be added to a project.
Create a new project / open an existing project.
Open the [Devices & networks] view.
Create and configure PROFINET controller and coupling units.
Create and configure PROFINET connection.
Drag the IO-Link from the hardware catalogue and drop it in the project.
> The IO-Link master is loaded with a default configuration into the project.
> The IO-Link master is part of the project.
To integrate the IO-Link master in the infrastructure, the IP settings of the
fieldbus interface must be configured correspondingly.
In the [Devices & networks] view: Double-click on the IO-Link master
> The overview [Device overview] of the IO-Link master.
Select the slot [0 X1] (PN-IO).
> The window [Properties] > [General] shows features of the fieldbus interface.
Select the menu point [Ethernet addresses].
Select PROFINET connection.
Adapt the IP settings of the Ethernet interface to the features of the PROFINET connection.
Optional: Configure further settings of the Ethernet interface.
Save the project.
Connect with the PROFINET controller and load the project to the controller.