OM-IO-Link Master.035
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
IO-Link Master: Set operating mode
To adjust the profile of the IO-Link master:
> The device catalogue is open.
in the project: Double click on NC-MP-4A4B-12DLA/AL1403
> The window [Device overview] of the NC-MP-4A4B-12DLA/AL1403 appears.
In the device catalogue: Drag the required module from the [Module] folder to slot [1].
> The selected profile is loaded with the preset IOLM proxy module.
Optional: Change the IOLM proxy module
In [Device overview]: Select slot [1 IOLM proxy] and remove the active IOLM proxy module.
In the device catalogue: Drag the required module from the folder [Submodules] > [IO-Link Master Proxy]
and drop it at slot [1 IOLM-proxy].
> The selected IOLM proxy module will be loaded.
Save the project.
Further steps:
• IO-Link Master: Set the module parameters
(→ S. 39)
• Configure IO-Link ports
(→ S. 40)
* ... Factory setting
IO-Link Master Proxy
Mix Mode -
8 ports
IO-Link Master Proxy 8P
Standard IO-Link Master IOLM Proxy:
• 1 byte of cyclic input data (digital inputs)
• 1 byte of cyclic output data (digital outputs) IOLD proxy (per port):
• max. 33 bytes of cyclical process data (digital inputs, IO-Link inputs, PQI)
• max 32 bytes of cyclical process data (IO-Link outputs)
Mix Mode
- Energy
8 ports
IO-Link Master Proxy 8P EnMo Standard IO-Link master with active energy monitoring IOLM Proxy:
• 36 bytes of cyclical input data (digital inputs, energy monitoring)
• 1 byte of cyclic output data (digital outputs) IOLD proxy (per port):
• max. 33 bytes of cyclical input data (digital inputs, IO-Link inputs, PQI)
• max. 32 bytes of cyclical output data (digital outputs, IO-Link outputs)
IO Mode
8 ports - IO Mode
IO-Link Master Proxy 8P
IO-Link master with compact transmission of digital process data IOLM Proxy:
• 2byte of cyclic input data (digital inputs)
• 2byte of cyclic output data (digital outputs) IOLD proxy (per port):
• max. 33 bytes of cyclical input data (IO-Link inputs, PQI)
• max. 32 bytes of cyclical output data (IO-Link outputs)
• PROFINET has no access rights
The IO-Link master can be operated with different profiles.
The selection of the profile determines the following properties of the IO-Link master:
• Type and size of the process data of the IO-Link master
• Available sub-models for IO-Link ports