OM-IO-Link Master.039
IO Link Master - PROFINET
This device is “powered by ifm”. In all electronic interfaces, this device will
appear as AL1403. All firmware and electronic files are provided by ifm.
The following options are available:
The NC-MP-4A4B-12DLA/AL1403 supports the configuration of the connected IO-Link devices via the
PROFINET application. The configurable parameters depend on the IO-Link device that is used.
During the configuration of the IO-Link master and of the ports, IEC address
ranges are automatically reserved for all process data.
9.2.5. Configure IO-Link devices
9.2.6. Read and write process data
Configurable parameters of the IO-Link devices:
→ IO Device Description (IODD) des IO-Link Devices
Symbol (function block)
Acyclic access to the parameters of an
IO-Link device
Input parameters:
• CAP: Access point for function NC-MP-4A4B-12DLA/AL1403: 0xB400
• PORT: Slot/sub-slot of the IO-Link interface of the connected IO-Link device
Port X1: 1
Port X2: 2
Port X8: 8
• IOL_INDEX and IOL_SUBINDEX: Index and sub-index of the parameter
(depends on the IO-Link device: → IO Device Description (IODD))
Acyclic access to the parameters of an
IO-Link device (obsolete)
Depending on the selected IO-Link master profile, the digital process data of the ports (operating
modes: “digital input”, “digital output”) will be mapped to different address ranges:
• Mix Mode: each digital process value (pin 4) receives a separate address
• IO-Mode: Digital process data of the ports (pin 4) are transferred as a
compact unit in a coherent address range in the IOLM proxy.
To enable access to the cyclic process data in the application, the user must couple the reserved IEC addresses with
symbolic variables. This happens in the global variable list of the project (step 7: [Symbols]; TIA portal: [PLC tags]).
Execute the following actions in the global variable list of the project:
Create a new symbol and select the data type.
Assign the required IEC address to the symbol.
Adjust the properties of the symbol (write access, visibility, etc.).
Using the symbolic name, the user can read the inputs and write the outputs from the application.
To check the validity of the cyclic process data, evaluate the PQI byte (→
Mapping: Port Qualifier Information (PQI) (→ S. 72)).
Even if the fieldbus connection is interrupted, the PQI byte indicates that the process
data is valid. This may have an unintended impact on the control process.
Take suitable measures to detect an interruption of the fieldbus connection.