Select Task Screen
This is the “main menu” of the T-Box™ 2 user interface. The T-Box™ 2 UI is a multitasking interface,
comprising two separate windows which can each be assigned a task (such as managing targets, capturing a
graph, or measuring a transducer).
You are free to pick any task for any window, at any time. You may, for example, elect to keep a measurement
task open alongside a target manager task, such that you can quickly change targets while taking
measurements. Alternatively, you may wish to measure something to capture readings while graphing the
output simultaneously in the other window. Or, you may wish to measure from both transducer inputs at once
with a pair of measurement tasks open.
The Select Task Screen allows you to select one of the following tasks for each of the two task windows:
Opens the AnB Selection Screen and then the Measure Screen
Opens the Readings Screen
File Browser
Opens the File Browser
Opens the Target Screen
Opens the Graphing Screen
Opens the Settings Screen