Readings Screen
The Readings Screen is used to manage all readings from all AnBs attached to the system. You can also
choose to focus on the readings from just one AnB port if you wish by filtering out other readings.
Each result has a time and date, the recorded values and units, and direction (which in the case of force or
pressure, may be “positive” and “negative” instead of “CW”/”CCW”).
The result is colour coded depending on the Target limits used:
Green: reading OK/pass
Yellow: Reading too low (below limit)
Red: Reading too high (above limit)
If no target was set when the result was saved, then there is no colouration.
So, for a Target of 50 N·m +3% / -3% where the result is 50.67 N·m the result will be green (pass). If the result
was too low (43.74 N·m) the colour will be yellow and too high (53.60 N·m) will be red.
The same colouration applies to angle and rate if the target contained limits for those measurements.
TIP: To select an item tap on it (Highlighted items have a white background)
To un-select an item tap on it again
This will allow filtering of the results by which AnB port took the reading
This will delete the selected reading (tap a reading to select; selection is highlighted in
This will delete
currently shown readings. If you have filtered the list, it will delete all
readings shown based on current filtration settings (leaving the rest)
Readings can be sorted by time, direction or result by tapping the relevant table header