Example 1 - Click Wrench Torque Measurement
For this example, we are going to check a Click Torque wrench set to 50 N·m with an accuracy of +3% / -3%
1. We will go through Transducer connection, T-Box™ 2 power up, mode selection, simple target
creation, doing a measurement, and finally saving the result. Although this is a simple example it will
give you a good understanding of the moving around the menu structure.
Connection and Power up
2. Connect correct Transducer to the T-Box™ 2
3. Connect the T-Box™ 2 to the power supply
4. Connect the power supply to the mains
5. On the T-Box™ 2’s front panel press the power button
Setting Up the T-Box™ 2
6. From the Select Task Screen tap MEASURE (you will see the Select AnB Screen)
7. Tap the Transducer icon to select the AnB port that the transducer is connected to (You will see the
Measure Screen)
Setting the Measure Mode
8. Tap just below MODE (you will see the Select Mode Screen)
9. Tap CLICK then Scroll down. Under AUTO RESET tap Disabled
10. Press SET (You will see the Measure Screen)
Creating a New Target
11. Tap just below TARGET (you will see the Target Select Screen)
12. If New is available on the screen tap it (you will see the Targets New Screen)
If New is not available tap on the currently selected target (this will de-select it) then tap New
13. Tap SELECT UNITS and Press N·m
14. Tap TORQUE ONLY (you should now see the Targets New Screen)
15. Tap just under TARGET IDENTY and give your Target a name, then tap the Tick (you will be back to
the Targets New Screen)
16. Under Direction tap CW
17. Tap # of Readings then enter 1 and tap the Tick (you should now see the Targets New Screen)
18. Under TORQUE TARGET tap Torque Target then enter 50 and tap the Tick
19. Tap Lower Limit, select Percentage and enter 3 tap the Tick
20. Do the same for Upper Limit
21. You should now be on the Targets New Screen having set up a 50 N·m Torque only target with +3%
/ -3% Limits and CW only.
22. When you have checked that, tap SAVE (You should now be on the Targets Select Screen)
23. On the Targets Select Screen tap your target (it should have a white background when selected) and
Doing a Measurement
24. You will now be back at the Measure Screen and you are almost ready to use your target
25. Check the Measure screen shows that MODE is CLICK MANUAL RESET and TARGET is 50 N·m
+3% / -3%
27. The reading on the screen should be 0.00 N·m
28. You can now capture a reading
29. Once you have captured a reading you should see the result on the screen (colour will depend on
the results red=too High, yellow=too low and green is a pass.
30. To Save the result tap the Save Icon