User’s Manual U18172EJ2V0UD
Table 16-1. Rewrite Method
Rewrite Method
Functional Outline
Operation Mode
On-board programming
Flash memory can be rewritten after the device is mounted on the
target system, by using a dedicated flash memory programmer.
Off-board programming
Flash memory can be rewritten before the device is mounted on the
target system, by using a dedicated flash memory programmer and a
dedicated program adapter board (FA series).
Flash memory
programming mode
Self programming
Flash memory can be rewritten by executing a user program that has
been written to the flash memory in advance by means of on-board/off-
board programming.
Self programming mode
Remarks 1.
The FA series is a product of Naito Densei Machida Mfg. Co., Ltd.
Refer to the following sections for details on the flash memory writing control function.
16.7 On-Board and Off-Board Flash Memory Programming
16.8 Flash Memory Programming by Self Programming
16.4 Writing with Flash Memory Programmer
The following two types of dedicated flash memory programmers can be used for writing data to the internal flash
memory of the 78K0S/KU1+.
FlashPro4 (PG-FP4, FL-PR4)
FlashPro5 (PG-FP5, FL-PR5)
Data can be written to the flash memory on-board or off-board, by using a dedicated flash memory programmer.
(1) On-board programming
The contents of the flash memory can be rewritten after the 78K0S/KU1+ have been mounted on the target
system. The connectors that connect the dedicated flash memory programmer and the test pad must be
mounted on the target system. The test pad is required only when writing data with the crystal/ceramic resonator
mounted (refer to Figure 16-4 for mounting of the test pad).
(2) Off-board programming
Data can be written to the flash memory with a dedicated program adapter (FA series) before the 78K0S/KU1+ is
mounted on the target system.
The FL-PR4, FL-PR5 and FA series are products of Naito Densei Machida Mfg. Co., Ltd.