Chapter 4
Register Descriptions
VME-MXI-2 User Manual
© National Instruments Corporation
Transfer Size
These bits control the transfer size to be used to
access the destination. Write these bits with
01 (binary) to perform 8-bit transfers, 10 (binary)
to perform 16-bit transfers, and 11 (binary) to
perform 32-bit or 64-bit transfers. The DMA
controller can distinguish between 32-bit and
64-bit transfers using the AM[5:0] bits. These
bits are cleared by a hard reset and are not
affected by a soft reset.
These bits control the bus on which the
destination is located. Write these bits with
01 (binary) if the destination is DRAM onboard
the VME-MXI-2, 10 (binary) if the destination is
on the VMEbus, and 11 (binary) if the
destination is on the MXIbus. These bits are
cleared by a hard reset and are not affected by a
soft reset.
Address Modifiers
These bits provide the address modifier code
used to access the destination. Even when the
destination is on the MXIbus, the equivalent
VMEbus address modifier code should be
written to these bits (the MXIbus address
modifier code should not be written to these bits
because the DMA controller converts VMEbus
address modifier codes when the destination is
on the MXIbus). Table F-1, Address Modifier
Codes, in Appendix F, DMA Programming
Examples, describes the address modifier codes
that can be written to these bits. When the
destination is DRAM onboard the VME-MXI-2,
these bits must be written with 0. These bits are
cleared by a hard reset and are not affected by a
soft reset.
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