Chapter Eleven: Troubleshooting
The Diagnostics Feature
Code 2: PROM Test
1. Press the [2/2] key and then the [
] key.
The system should respond by performing a checksum verification and displaying PASS.
The display is the same as shown in Figure 86, page 292.
Codes 1 and 2 are the same tests the 146 unit performs as part of the
normal power up procedure. If either of the tests fails at power up, an
error code is displayed (E2 for PROM failure, and E3 for RAM failure).
Code 3: Display Test
1. Press the [3/3] key and then the [
] key.
The system should respond by providing a full LCD test display. This is the same
display that appears during a normal power up. Refer to Figure 12, page 43, to see what
the full display looks like.
The full LCD display is shown for less than 3 seconds, and then the unit returns to the
initial diagnostics screen display.
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