Chapter Seven: Operation in Setup Mode
Code 5: How To Configure the RS-232 Port
3. Enter the number 5 and press the [
] key.
The system responds by displaying the appropriate parameters for code 5, and causing
the main display to blink.
4. Use the [
] or [
] key to select the correct baud rate (the default is 9600).
A. If the display is correct, press the [
] key.
B. If the display is not correct, use the arrow keys to scroll to the correct baud rate, then
press the [
] key.
The system responds by accepting the baud rate, and causing the right parameter to blink.
5. Select the correct protocol (the default is MKS protocol).
A. If the display is correct, press the [
] key.
B. If the display is not correct, use the arrow keys to select the correct protocol, then
press the [
] key. The choices for protocol are 146 (MKS Protocol) and dl
(data logger).
The system responds by accepting the protocol, and causing the center display to blink.
6. Enter the number of data bits (7 or 8), and parity (even, odd, or no). The defaults are 7
data bits, and even parity.
A. If the display is correct, press the [
] key.
B. If the display is not correct, press the [7] or [8] key to enter the number of data
bits, then use the arrow keys to scroll through the three parity choices. Press the
] key.
The system responds by accepting the number of data bits and parity choices.
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