Alarm Input
Alarm Blink Output
Alarm Reset Input
( Pulse width: over 0.1s )
Servo Ready Output
Servo On Input
(9) Servo ON and Alarm Reset input
When the protective function of drive executes, alarm output is activated. When
AlarmReset input is set to ON, alarm output and alarm blink output are released. Before
releasing alarm output, the user must remove any cause of alarm.
When Servo ON/OFF signal is set to OFF, the drive stops supplying the current to the
motor and so the user can directly adjust the output position. When Servo ON/OFF signal
is set to ON, the drive restarts to supply the current to the motor and its torque is
recovered. Before operating the motor, the user must set it to ON.
When the drive is set to Servo ON, < ServoReady > signal is set to ON. Servo ON signal
is edge trigger type and pulse duration is 10ms or more.
* Note:
(1) If ‘No.0: Pulse per Revolution’ in the parameter list is changed while servo-on, the
drive will be servo-off followed by servo-on to update the resolution.
(2) During the ‘ServoON’ process, the ‘Command Position’ value will be changed to
‘Actual Position’ value to remove ‘Position Error’.
If the ‘Servo ON’ signal is assigned to input pin, Servo ON command
from GUI or DLL library will not executed.