Ref. No.
STB special connector ...........
Height extension
connector STB 450 ................
Fig. 43.2
STB special connector
Fig. 43.1
The STB special connector
(Fig. 43.1) enables the STB 450
to be securely connected to
height extension 150 (Fig. 43.2)
and also enables two height
extensions 150 to be connected
to each other.
The STB special connector is
required when using additional
Triplex braces (also refer to the
separate load charts).
STB special connectors are also
required when an anchor (dry
anchor) is used above the sin-
gle-sided formwork.
One STB special connector is to
be used for each connection. It
should be installed as close as
possible to the rear edge.
STB special connector
Technical Instruction Manual / Status November 2019
Support frame