The support frame is mainly used for pouring against existing struc-
tures (walls, rock, soil, sheet piling, foundations, etc.) if only one side
of the formwork can be erected. For practical reasons it is generally
not possible to tie through the formwork. Hence, the total fresh-con-
crete pressure has to be transferred via the formwork into the support
frame and then on into the foundation. The MEVA support frame
consists of a welded and painted steel construction.
See the separate STB load charts for details about the loads that occur
in standard applications.
Permissible anchor loads according to DIN 18216
Anchor system
Permissible loading
DW 15
90 kN per tie rod
DW 20
160 kN per tie rod
DW 26.5
250 kN per tie rod
When using the support frames, special attention must be paid to the
The foundations and floor slabs, etc. must be able to withstand
the tensile and compressive forces that occur. A structural verification
may be required.
The "opposite side" of the single-sided formwork, i.e. the exist-
ing structure, must also be able to resist the fresh-concrete pressure.
The DW tie rods must not be welded, heated or deformed.
For more complex or special cases not dealt with in this manual
please contact the MEVA experts for advice.
Deviations from the versions described in this manual always
require a separate structural verification.
Check on-site to make sure that the tensile forces Z and the compres-
sive forces V that occur can be safely transferred into the foundation
or floor slab. In particular, the concrete strength and the degree of
reinforcement used need to be reviewed. If the support frames are
used on top of slabs – for example in underground garages – support
the slab where the vertical forces V occur in order to transfer these
into the foundation.
Abbreviations, measurements, figures and tables, etc.
The abbreviation STB is used for the support frame. DIN means
Deutsche Industrie-Norm (German Industrial Standard). E DIN (E =
Entwurf / draft) means that the DIN is in draft status and not yet
approved. Any further abbreviations are explained where they are
used for the first time.
TÜV means Technischer Überwachungsverein. This is the independ-
ent German organisation that tests the safety of technical installa-
tions, machinery and motor vehicles. If a product passes the test, it
is permitted to carry the GS seal. GS stands for Geprüfte Sicherheit
(approved safety).
Measurements: This manual uses the metric system, i.e. m (for metre),
cm (for centimetre) and mm (for millimetre).
Non-defined dimensions are in cm.
The page numbers in this manual start with STB. The figures and
tables are numbered per page. Depending on its product abbrevia-
tion, a cross reference in the text refers to a page, table or figure in
this or in another manual. This is indicated by the product code with
which the cross-reference begins.
Product features
Technical Instruction Manual / Status November 2019
Support frame