Anchoring details – General
Fig. 18.1 Support frame STB 450
Anchors for support
frame 450 (Fig. 18.1), support
frame 300 plus (Fig. 18.2) and
support frame 300 can be made
for different floor slab thick-
nesses using anchor loops or
DW tie rods, coupling nuts and
anchoring auxiliaries.
All parts are designed for the use
of DW 15, DW 20 and DW 26.5
tie rods.
The anchoring auxiliaries can
be attached either to the upper
(Fig. 18.3) or to the lower rebar
layer (Fig. 18.4) depending on
the slab thickness or the number
and density of rebars. The angle
of installation of the tie rods is
automatically correct due to the
shape of the anchoring auxilia-
ries (45°).
Depending on the version it may
be possible to recover and reuse
the tie rods (see page STB-21).
Fig. 18.3
Fig. 18.4
Fig. 18.2 Support frame STB 300 plus
Anchoring auxiliary on the upper
rebar layer
Anchoring auxiliary on the lower
rebar layer
Technical Instruction Manual / Status November 2019
Support frame