Technical Manual Presence Detector SCN-P/G360XX.02
MDT technologies GmbH •
51766 Engelskirchen • Papiermühle 1
Tel.: +49-2263-
880 •
Fax: +49-2263-4588
• [email protected] •
Die nachfolgende Tabelle zeigt die möglichen Einstellungen um die Konstantlichtregelung zu
Dynamic range
[Default value]
Constant light control
Not active
Activation/Deactivation of the
constant light control
Control out sunlight
very few
defines the influence of the
solar radiation to the
Selection light band
1 light group
light group main + wall
light group main + window
light group main + wall +
Selection of the light bands,
which shall be controlled
Influence proportional wall
no change (x 1)
very low (x 1,2)
low (x 1,4)
medium (x 1,6)
high (x 1,8)
very high (x 2)
defines the influence of the
light group wall to the
constant level light regulation
Influence proportional
window control
no change (x 1)
very low (x 0,9)
low (x 0,8)
medium (x 0,7)
high (x 0,6)
very high (x 0,5)
defines the influence of the
light group window to the
constant level light regulation
Table 23: General settings - Constant light control
The "Influence of proportional zone control" parameter indicates how strong the influence of the
lighting group should be on the control. The setting "no influence"(x 1) switches off the
proportionality of the control and all lighting groups always light up with the same value. The setting
"very strong" (0.5 for windows and 2 for walls) means that the difference between the absolute
dimming values on walls and windows is very large.
If a room is to be controlled by means of constant light control, it is advisable to use the TeachIn
procedure, as this is the only way to achieve good results.
The influences of the lighting groups wall and window have to be adapted to the specific conditions.
To put it simply, the larger the room, the stronger the control factor has to be, i.e. the stronger the
influence must deviate from 1. However, the parameters should always be checked on site and
corrected if necessary.
The control can be adjusted using the "Control out sun light" parameter. If the presence detector
reduces the light in the room too much in the case of solar radiation, the value for this parameter
should be set to little or very little. Alternatively, the presence detector can also be moved further
into the centre of the room.