McAfee Inc. © 2007
Hardware Support v1.4 User Guide
Page 26
Severity Definitions
Severity is a measure of the impact on a customer's ability to conduct business.
Severity 1 – Business Has Stopped
Company cannot conduct business or the business is severely impacted
The product is not functioning
Internet connectivity or mail flow has stopped
Company is unable to provide available virus protection to his network
There is no viable workaround for this issue
Severity 2 - Business Severely Impeded
Company’s business is impeded but can continue to function
The product is unable to provide a major feature such as reporting or updating
Widespread symptoms across company’s infrastructure
Includes installation failures, conflicts with major brand software, or specific mail flow
Customer is generally able to provide available virus protection to his network but
specific resources cannot update
Severity 3 - Business Impacted But Able to Function Normally
Customer ability to conduct business in not affected
The symptom affects single machine or isolated parts of the environment
Particular functionality is not working
Severity 4 - Business Not Affected But Noticeable
Customer ability to conduct business in not affected
Symptoms only affect a few machines
Functionality loss has easy work around
Severity 5 - Request for Information or FMR (Feature Modification Request)
Requests for further information
Modification requests to products