McAfee Inc. © 2007
Hardware Support v1.4 User Guide
Page 16
Advanced Search
The advanced search option allows keywords to be searched in different fields such as
product and version, document type, heading or body of the text, and a user can search by
when the document was posted.
Requesting Help
McAfee offers three (3) main mechanisms for requesting help on technical issues
Chat Support (With remote assistance)
Phone Support
Before Requesting Help
To help us resolve your issue as quickly as possible please ensure that you have the
following information:
Technical Support Grant Number
Geographic location of the software installation
Detailed description of the problems or errors
Description of the hardware (must meet published McAfee specifications) that the
software is installed on, including the serial number or service tag where applicable
Name and versions of any operating system, network, and software running with the
McAfee software, including patches and fixes
Users may wish to download the MER tool which will save time should the case
require further investigation or escalation