How to Use the Machine
Operation Modes
To meet the users’ requirements, Mattei compressors have been designed to work in three main operat-
ing modes: Continuous, Automatic and Modulation.
(modulation not available for compressors of the AC 6000 series)
The factory-preset mode is AUTOMATIC. To change the setting please refer to page 6.04 of MAESTRO
1.1.03 operating manual.
An overview of these three options is given below.
Continuous (Cont)
In this mode, the compressor delivers air within a clearly defined pressure range; maximum and mini
mum values are factory-set by Mattei though they can be customised using the programming functions
in the [User] menu. When pressure reaches the maximum value (Pmax) the compressor is off-loaded
(suction valve closed) and decompressed in order to reduce power consumption. As soon as a request
for air from the network reduces pressure to the minimum value (Pmin) the compressor loads again and
resumes air delivery. The compressor can be stopped at any time by pressing the stop button: the stop-
ping procedure comprises a no-load run phase which lasts for a set time during which the compressor
is decompressed.
If the unit is enabled with a line pressure greater than the set minimum pressure, the compressor does
not start but waits for the pressure to fall below the minimum value.
Automatic (Auto)
This mode adds another function to the previous one: the compressor can automatically stop at low or
no air demand conditions. The cycle is the following. When line pressure reaches Pmax, the compressor
is “off-loaded"; at this point, two things can happen:
1. if there is no demand for air it runs no-load for a certain period of time TMV (No-load Run Time) and
stops when this period of time expires; it starts again as soon as line pressure falls below Pmin;
2. if line pressure falls to Pmin before TMV expires, the compressor is “recharged”.
The above operating mode can be combined with a special characteristic of MATTEI rotary compres-
sors, the MODULATION phase.