Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual
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Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
Controlled by two independent controllers, the address space is divided into
HT0_Lo: address [40] = 0;
HT0_Hi: address [40] = 1;
0: Use the 16-bit HyperTransport bus as a 16-bit bus, by
HT0_Lo control, the address space is the address of HT0_Lo, namely address [40]
= 0; HT0_Hi all signals are invalid.
Master mode
1: Set HT0_Lo as the master mode, in this mode, the bus control signal, etc.
Driven by HT0_Lo, these control signals include HT0_Lo_Powerok,
HT0_Lo_Rstn, HT0_Lo_Ldt_Stopn. In this mode, these controls
The control signal can also be bidirectionally driven. At the same time this pin determines (negative) registration
The initial value of the device "Act as Slave", when this register is 0,
The Bridge bit in the packet on the HyperTransport bus is 1, otherwise it is 0.
In addition, when this register is 0, if the HyperTransport bus
When the requested address does not hit the receiving window of the controller, it will be regarded as P2P.
Seek to send back to the bus again, if this register is 1, there is no hit, then make
Respond to bad requests.
0: Set HT0_Lo to slave mode, in this mode, bus control signals, etc.
Driven by the opposite device, these control signals include HT0_Lo_Powerok,
HT0_Lo_Rstn, HT0_Lo_Ldt_Stopn. In this mode, these controls
The control signal is driven by the other device. If it is not driven correctly, the
Does not work correctly.
Bus Powerok
HyperTransport bus Powerok signal,
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 1, it is controlled by HT0_Lo;
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 0, it is controlled by the opposite device.
Bus Rstn
HyperTransport bus Rstn signal,
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 1, it is controlled by HT0_Lo;
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 0, it is controlled by the opposite device.
Bus Ldt_Stopn
HyperTransport bus Ldt_Stopn signal,
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 1, it is controlled by HT0_Lo;
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 0, it is controlled by the opposite device.
Bus Ldt_Reqn
HyperTransport bus Ldt_Reqn signal,
Master mode
1: Set HT0_Hi to master mode, in this mode, bus control signals, etc.
Driven by HT0_Hi, these control signals include HT0_Hi_Powerok,
HT0_Hi_Rstn, HT0_Hi_Ldt_Stopn. In this mode, these controls
The control signal can also be bidirectionally driven. At the same time this pin determines (negative) registration
The initial value of the device "Act as Slave", when this register is 0,
The Bridge bit in the packet on the HyperTransport bus is 1, otherwise it is 0.
In addition, when this register is 0, if the HyperTransport bus
When the requested address does not hit the receiving window of the controller, it will be regarded as P2P.
Seek to send back to the bus again, if this register is 1, there is no hit, then make
Respond to bad requests.
0: Set HT0_Hi to slave mode, in this mode, bus control signals, etc.
Driven by the counterpart device, these control signals include HT0_Hi_Powerok,
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Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
HT0_Hi_Rstn, HT0_Hi_Ldt_Stopn. In this mode, these controls
The control signal is driven by the other device. If it is not driven correctly, the
Does not work correctly.
Bus Powerok
HyperTransport bus Powerok signal,
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 1, it is controlled by HT0_Hi;
When HT0_Lo_Mode is 0, it is controlled by the opposite device.
When HT0_8x2 is 1, control the upper 8-bit bus;
When HT0_8x2 is 0, it is invalid.