Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual
Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
Temperature sensor high-temperature down-frequency control register, four sets of setting priority from high to low
[7: 0]: Scale_gate0: High temperature threshold 0, frequency will be reduced if this temperature is exceeded
[8: 8]: Scale_en0: High temperature frequency reduction enable 0
[11:10]: Scale_Sel0: Select the temperature sensor input source of high temperature down-conversion 0
[14:12]: Scale_freq0: frequency division value when frequency is reduced
[23:16]: Scale_gate1: High temperature threshold 1, exceeding this temperature will reduce the frequency
[24:24]: Scale_en1: High temperature frequency reduction enable 1
[27:26]: Scale_Sel1: Select the temperature sensor input source for high temperature down-conversion 1
[30:28]: Scale_freq1: frequency division value when frequency is reduced
[39:32]: Scale_gate2: High temperature threshold value 2, if this temperature is exceeded, frequency will be reduced
[40:40]: Scale_en2: High temperature frequency reduction enable 2
[43:42]: Scale_Sel2: Select the temperature sensor input source for high temperature down-conversion 2
[46:44]: Scale_freq2: frequency division value when frequency is reduced
[55:48]: Scale_gate3: High temperature threshold 3, over this temperature will reduce the frequency
[56:56]: Scale_en3: High temperature frequency reduction enable 3
[59:58]: Scale_Sel3: Select the temperature sensor input source for high temperature down-conversion 3
[62:60]: Scale_freq3: Frequency division value when frequency is reduced
Page 138
Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
Debugging trigger condition enable
[7: 0]: timer, trigger delay, set to 1 means to trigger immediately when the condition is met, set to 0 to prohibit touch
Send, set to other values means that the number of beats delayed trigger after the condition is met +1
[15: 8]: trigger_en, trigger condition enable, corresponding to the enable control of 8 external trigger events
Software trigger, sending a write operation to this address will cause a software trigger condition, making
Triggered after shooting
CORE0 AXI interface AW trigger condition 0 setting
[15: 0]: awid
[19:16]: awlen
[22:20]: awsize
[24:23]: awburst
[26:25]: awlock
[30:27]: awcache
[33:31]: awprot
[37:34]: awcmd
[41:38]: awdirqid
[43:42]: awstate
[47:44]: swscseti
[48]: awvalid
[49]: awready