Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual
Page 62
Godson 3A3000 / 3B3000 Processor User Manual • Volume 1
10 HyperTransport controller
In Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000, the HyperTransport bus is used to connect external devices and interconnect multiple chips.
When used for peripheral connection, the user program can freely choose whether to support IO Cache consistency (through the address window Uncache
Set, see section 10.5.13 for details): When configured to support Cache consistency mode, IO device accesses internal DMA
Transparent to the Cache level, that is, the consistency is automatically maintained by the hardware, without the need for software to maintain it through the program Cache instructi
When the HyperTransport bus is used for multi-chip interconnection, the HT0 controller (the initial address is
0x0C00_0000_0000 – 0x0DFF_FFFF_FFFF) can support the consistent transmission of Cache between chips through pin configuration,
The HT1 controller (the initial address is 0x0E00_0000_0000 – 0x0FFF_FFFF_FFFF) can be supported by software configuration
For consistent maintenance of Cache between chips, see section 10.7.
The HyperTransport controller supports up to 16-bit bidirectional width and 2.0GHz operating frequency. At the beginning of the system automatically
After initializing the connection, the user program can modify the corresponding configuration register in the protocol to achieve the width and running frequency.
Changes, and re-initialize, see section 10.1 for specific methods.
The main features of Loongson 3A3000 / 3B3000 HyperTransport controller are as follows:
● Support HT1.0 / HT3.0 protocol
● Support 200/400/800/1600 / 2000MHz operating frequency
● HT1.0 supports 8-bit width
● HT3.0 supports 8/16 bit width
● Each HT controller (HT0 / HT1) can be configured as two 8-bit HT controllers
● The direction of bus control signals (including PowerOK, Rstn, LDT_Stopn) can be configured
● Peripheral DMA space Cache / Uncache can be configured
● It can be configured as Cache consistency mode when used for multi-chip interconnection
10.1 HyperTransport hardware setup and initialization
HyperTransport bus is composed of transmission signal bus and control signal pins, etc. The following table gives
HyperTransport bus related pins and their functional description.
Table 10-1 Hype T ansp Yaotong bus related pin signals
Bus width configuration 1: Configure the 16-bit HyperTransport bus as two independent 8-bit buses,