Due to our policy of continuous product innovation, some specifications may change without notification.
©LG Electronics U.S.A., Inc., Englewood Cliffs, NJ. All rights reserved. “LG Life’s Good” is a registered trademark of LG Corp.
Central Control
Valve (04)
Valve (03)
Valve (02)
Valve (01)
Indoor Unit (04)
Indoor Unit (03)
Indoor Unit (02)
Indoor Unit (01)
Central Control Addresses
Upload Central Control Address to Each Hydro Kit
For all Hydro Kits, the central control address must be assigned using the Hydro Kit controller.
Power Up All Indoor Unit PCBs
Turn the disconnect for each indoor unit to the ON position.
Do not turn the Hydro Kit on (ON/OFF Button remains OFF).
Central Control Device
Maximum Hydro Kit / Indoor
Unit Quantity
AC Smart™ 5
Table 45: Central Controller Indoor Unit Connection Limitations.
Controller Communications Limitations
Each type of Controller device is designed to communicate with a
limited quantity of Hydro Kits / indoor units. The quantity of Hydro
Kits / indoor units that can be connected to a single control com-
munications cable, therefore, will be defined by the control device
on that cable with the smallest Maximum Hydro Kit / Indoor Unit
Quantity as shown in the tables at right.
Group Number
If the building operator wants to know which Hydro Kits / indoor units are on each outdoor unit, and multiple systems serve a building:
• Assign a Group Number to each system. If there are more than 16 indoor units on a system, multiple Group Numbers will be necessary.
If the building owner wants to know which indoor units are on each floor:
• Assign a different group number for each floor. If there are more than 16 Hydro Kits / indoor units on a floor, multiple Group Numbers will
be necessary.
Member Number
Can be assigned at will or for example, can follow the room layout on each floor.
For each LG Central Controller product provided on the project, devise a central control address schedule and assign a central control
address to each Hydro Kit(s) and indoor unit(s). Record this central control address for each component in the column provided on the Pre-
commissioning Device Configuration Worksheet.
Central Control and Indoor Units Connected to Heat Recovery Units
Integration Solutions
Maximum Hydro Kit / Indoor
Unit Quantity
LG MultiSITE™ Communications
ACP LonWorks
Table 46: Integration Solutions Indoor Unit Connection Limitations.
is a trademark of Echlelon Corporation.