When the prompt wizard appears on the client screen, you can respond to the prompt within 30 seconds before it
times out. Prompting depends on whether or not there are any more required information or documents to process.
If there are more, then the end user is asked whether to continue or not. When the user reaches the last prompt, a
summary dialog of the answers appears. The user can then choose to send or cancel the job.
You can cancel the job at any time, although cancelling the job cannot undo the job application processing that has
already taken place.
LDD 4.6.3.x printer ports on a clustered print server is not supported.
Understanding software client setup
Preparing software clients for use with Lexmark Intelligent Capture solutions requires a slightly different process than
setup and solution deployment for printers.
Do the following after installing other Lexmark Intelligent Capture system components:
Upload a solution to Lexmark Intelligent Capture. For more information, see “Uploading solutions to the Lexmark
Intelligent Capture system” on page 91.
If necessary, install client software licenses on the Lexmark Intelligent Capture system. For more information, see
“Adding an MFP, e
forms virtual printer, or software client license to an existing server” on page 71.
Create a software client group to contain software clients to which a particular solution should be available.
Add IP addresses to the software client group for the computers where client software are to be installed, and to
which a particular solution should be available.
Add the solution to the new software client group.
Only solutions developed for use with client software (instead of, or in addition to, printers) may be made
available to software client groups.
Install client software on each of the client computers.
Servers must be set online to successfully install client software.
Run Windows Update to make sure the latest updates for the .NET framework are installed.
When using Lexmark Document Server Ports, add print queues assigned to the appropriate Lexmark Document
Server Port on each client computer or print server.
Lexmark Intelligent Capture does
configure a Lexmark Intelligent Capture port on a print server to use
a profile or script that prompts.
Test all print queues that use Lexmark Document Server Ports. For more information, see “Using Lexmark Intelligent
Capture print queues” on page 120.
Use test jobs to complete setup of Select'N'Send from each client. For more information, see “Using the
Select'N'Send GUI” on page 120.
Managing software clients