Model FA5000
Illustrated Parts List
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the restrictions on the cover page of this document.
Rev. 02 Page 1003
July 21/17
When a part has multiple vendors, all part numbers are listed in the PART NUMBER col-
umn. The first vendor will be assigned an item number and each subsequent part num-
ber is assigned the same item number with an alpha variant.
The NOMENCLATURE column describes the part or assembly. Nomenclature wording is
arranged so that the identifying noun or key word is always the first part of the descrip-
tion; this is followed by modifying words. Standard abbreviations are used as necessary.
Assemblies which are not broken down within a listing but which are covered by a sepa-
rate figure will carry the notation “(SEE FIG. – FOR DETAIL BREAKDOWN).” The listing
of the assembly in the breakdown figure will carry the reference “(SEE FIG. – FOR NHA)”.
If the vendor is not L3 Aviation Products, the manufacturer’s vendor code may be in-
cluded in parentheses in this column.
The indenture system, provided by the numbers “1” through “6” in the heading, shows the
relationship of one part to another; for example, a part listed under indenture “3” is a com-
ponent of the assembly listed under indenture “2” immediately above it. Items used to at-
tach parts or assemblies to each other are designated “ATTACHING PARTS” and are
listed immediately following the item or items they attach. The symbol “* * *” denotes the
end of attaching parts.
The EFFECTIVITY CODE column establishes parts’ relationship with units or assemblies
which are essentially the same but have variations. These units or assemblies are the
lead times on each figure. These units or assemblies are assigned reference letters such
as A, B, C, D, etc. Parts which are not common to all configurations but are associated
with one or more of the coded lead items carry the letter or letters assigned to the lead
item with which it is associated. If a part is common to all lead items, the EFFECTIVITY
CODE column is blank.
The UNITS PER ASSY column lists the quantity of the item required in one assembly in
which it is a component. It is, therefore, not necessarily the total quantity of the part re-
quired in the complete equipment; the equipment total can be found in the Numerical In-
dex. The term “RF” denotes that the assembly has been previously listed in the parts
L3AP does not delineate its part numbers by special characters, such as the “
” dash
character. L3AP considers its part numbers with or without the use of special characters
to be the same, for example, there is no difference between part number 266
00, or 266E030500. To be in compliance with ARINC Specifications 100 and
200 the part numbers listed in this manual use the following format: 266E0305
00. L3AP
typically identifies its part numbers on other documents such as internal engineering
drawings, purchase orders, component labels, shipping orders, Form 8130s, and certifi-
cation documents with the format: 266
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