5.3.17 Object 1017h: Producer Heartbeat Time
5.3.18 Object 1018h: Identity Object (DS301)
5.3.19 Object 1026h: OS Prompt
5.3.20 Objects 1400-1403h: 1st - 4th RxPDO communication parameter (DS301)
5.3.21 Objects 1600-1603h: 1st - 4th RxPDO mapping parameter (DS301)
5.3.22 Objects 1800-1803h: 1st - 4th TxPDO communication parameter (DS301)
5.3.23 Objects 1A00-1A03h: 1st - 4th TxPDO mapping parameter (DS301)
5.3.24 Object 1C12h: RxPDO assign (DS301)
5.3.25 Object 1C13h: TxPDO assign (DS301)
5.3.26 Object 2000h: System Warnings
5.3.27 Object 2001h: System Faults
5.3.28 Object 2002h: Manufacturer status bytes
5.3.29 Object 2011h: DRV.RUNTIME in seconds
5.3.30 Object 2012h: Fault history: Fault numbers
5.3.31 Object 2013h: Fault history: Time stamps
5.3.32 Object 2014-2017h: 1st-4th Mask 1 to 4 for Transmit-PDO
5.3.33 Object 2018h: Firmware Version
5.3.34 Object 2026h: ASCII Channel
5.3.35 Object 204Ch: PV Scaling Factor
5.3.36 Object 2071h: Target Current
5.3.37 Object 2077h: Current Actual Value
5.3.38 Object 20A0h: Latch position 1, positive edge
5.3.39 Object 20A1h: Latch position 1, negative edge
5.3.40 Object 20A2h: Latch position 2, positive edge
5.3.41 Object 20A3h: Latch position 2, negative edge
5.3.42 Object 20A4h: Latch Control Register
5.3.43 Object 20A5h: Latch Status Register
5.3.44 Object 20A6h: Latch position 1, positive or negative edge
5.3.45 Object 20A7h: Latch position 2, positive or negative edge
5.3.46 Object 20B8h: Reset of changed input information
5.3.47 Object 345Ah: Brake Control
5.3.48 Object 3474h: Parameters for digital inputs
5.3.49 Object 3475h: Parameters for digital outputs
5.3.50 Object 3496h: Fieldbus synchronization parameters
5.3.51 Object 6040h: Control word (DS402)
5.3.52 Object 6041h: Status word (DS402)
5.3.53 Object 605Ah: Quick stop option code (DS402)
5.3.54 Object 6060h: Modes of Operation (DS402)
5.3.55 Object 6061h: Modes of Operation Display (DS402)
5.3.56 Object 6063h: position actual value* (DS402)
5.3.57 Object 6064h: position actual value (DS402)
5.3.58 Object 6065h: Following error window
5.3.59 Object 606Ch: Velocity actual value (DS402)
5.3.60 Object 6071h: Target torque (DS402)
5.3.61 Object 6073h: Max current (DS402)
5.3.62 Object 6077h: Torque actual value (DS402)
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Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017