AKD EtherCAT | 3 Installation and Setup
3.8.3 Configuring and enabling a drive
Once connected with WorkBench, a drive can be configured using all normal functionnalities
of WorkBench.
The only operation that is not possible to do using WorkBench over TwinCAT is the download
of a new firmware in the drive. Downloading a new firmware in the drive must be performed
using File over EtherCAT (FoE) feature of TwinCAT server.
If the cyclic communication of the TwinCAT master is enabled, it is possible that some com-
mands sent by WorkBench using the ASCII channel are overwirtten by the TwinCAT master.
Typically, the drive enable command will have no effect if sent from WorkBench because the
control word is usually mapped.
Using TwinCAT, enabling the drive can be done with the following procedure:
1. Under NC Configuration → Axes → Axis [x] node, choose the Online tab.
2. Press the Set button within the Enabling section.
3. In the pop-up dialog box, check the Controller checkbox to enable the drive (or un-check
to disable the drive) and press on the OK button.
Kollmorgen | kdn.kollmorgen.com | October 2017