Digital Inputs
connect the red plug from the buzzer to the red socket
and the black lead to the black socket on the K’NEX
Light Emitting Diodes (LEDs)
Red and Green - Connect one blue plug into the red
socket and the second plug into the black socket for one
color e.g. red; reverse for the LED to light green.
Digital Inputs
There are two digital Inputs for use with switch type signals which can register an On or Off state.
The K’NEX Computer Control software can determine whether or not to carry out a command or
run a procedure according to the state of the input.
Connected the switch to one of the pairs of input
sockets (yellow & black).
Switch the switch to an On position (e.g. if using a
push-button, press the button) and watch the indicator
LED next to the relevant input on Interface light up
when the switch is ON.
A switch is a break in a circuit, which can be joined
whenever you wish.
Push-Button switch (momentary):
when the button is pressed, the contacts connect
together allowing the current to flow (Input On): when
the button is not pushed, the contacts are open and no
current flows (Input Off).
Magnetic proximity or Reed switch:
used in combination with a magnet. When the magnet
gets near, the contacts inside the switch close and
the switch is activated (Input On): no magnet and the
contacts open (Input Off). Often used to indicate when
a door is open or closed.
Black (negative) socket
Red (positive) socket
Red indicator light
Indicator light
Indicator light
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