Remove the used wet-grinding belt and place a
new belt over the contact disc and guide pulley.
Turn the belt relief lever (7-18/1) against the direc-
tion of the arrow up to limit stop.
Turn the wet-grinding belt by hand and check to
see if it is not grinding anywhere.
Mount the belt protection hood.
Heed the running direction arrows on the
inside of the grinding belt!
Only original grinding belts approved by
KNECHT Maschinenbau GmbH may be used.
Incorrect grinding belts can result in over-
heated cuts that cause the knife to break.
7.7.1 Belt adjustment
If the grinding belt is not running in the center of
the contact disc, it can be aligned with the belt
adjustment (7-19/1).
Turning the belt adjuster (7-19/1) counter-clock-
wise makes the grinding belt run to the left.
Turning the belt adjustment (7-19/1) clockwise
makes the grinding belt run to the right.
7. Operation
Figure 7-19
Belt adjustment