* Patient Warming Systems
M000 Control Unit Operator’s Manual: U .S .
Figure 5
Patient High Alert-XX-Automatic Mode
Patient Low Alert-XX-Automatic Mode
Patient Temperature 2 (Enabled/Disabled)
Control Strategy (Surgical/Reserved)
Temperature Mode (C/F)
Language (English)
Data Output Interval (Off, 5-55 seconds,
1-10 Minutes)
Reset Calibration Alert Timer
Save Current Settings as Default
Patient Target - Automatic Mode
Water Target - Manual Mode
Water Level (Empty, Full)
Maximum Water - Automatic Mode
Minimum Water - Automatic Mode
3 .5 Setting Custom
3 .6 Pre-warming the
Patient Warming
System M000
Pre-warming of the Patient Warming System can be accomplished prior to
connecting the pads to facilitate efficient operating theatre setup . To pre-warm the
control unit, turn the power on by pressing the On/Off switch to the “On” position .
The control unit then performs the startup self-diagnostic check and will eventually
show the Main Menu or “Home” Screen . Press the “Manual” Key to begin warming
the water in the unit .
The control unit will then begin heating the water to the previously saved default
water target temperature . To change this temperature, press the Down Arrow Key
once until the screen reads “Water Target Temperature XX, Press Enter to Change .”
Press “Enter” and adjust the temperature using the Up and Down Arrow Keys .
From room temperature (20ºC/68ºF) the control unit will warm the water to the target
temperature in approximately 5 to 0 minutes .
CAUTION: The surface of the heating device should be checked for mechanical
damage prior to use.