* Patient Warming Systems
M000 Control Unit Operator’s Manual: U .S .
To run the Patient Warming System M000 Control Unit in Automatic Mode, an
indwelling temperature probe must be placed into the patient and connected to the
control unit . The control unit comes with an adapter cable to connect to the patient
temperature probe . This temperature probe cable adapter is inserted in the Patient
Temperature Input port in the rear of the machine (Figure 2) . Two types of adapter
cables are available: one for 2-pin connections (Nellcor/SIMS) and one for a single
jack connector (Bard) .
The control unit only works with Yellow Springs Instrument 400 Series (YSI 400)
thermistor compatible patient temperature probes . These probes include
nasopharyngeal, esophageal, tympanic, rectal, or bladder probes . Refer
to the temperature probes’ Manufacturer’s Instructions for Use for the specific
indications and placement of these probes .
A second patient temperature probe, identified as Patient Temperature 2, may be
connected to the Patient Warming System M000 Control Unit to provide patient
temperature monitoring from a second patient site . The adapter is similar to Patient
Temperature and is inserted into the appropriately labelled connector directly
below the Patient Temperature port .
NOTE: Patient temperature is not controlled from the secondary patient temperature
probe. The secondary patient temperature probe is a backup patient temperature
monitor for increased patient safety in those instances when patient temperature is
not constantly monitored by the clinician. The secondary probe will alarm and
shut down the control unit if the primary probe is dislodged or fails.
The Patient Warming System M000 will output Patient Temperature (the
primary patient temperature) input reading to a YSI 400 compatible hospital monitor
using the Patient Temperature Output (Echo) . An adapter for use with various
temperature probe cables (similar to the patient temperature adapter cables)
included with the installation kit, can be inserted into the Patient Temperature
Output (Echo) port in the rear of the machine . The temperature displayed on the
Patient Warming System M000 Control Unit and monitor represents the same
temperature but may not be identical due to calibration differences between the
control unit and the monitor .
2 .9 Patient Temperature
2 .0 Patient
Output (Echo)