KC-P30 Charging Station
Using the device
Using the device
Triggering the display of relevant data
In addition to the instant display for users, other information can also be
shown on the display of the charging station.
Data of the last charging process
Sum of total transmitted energy (total counter reading of the charging
Version of the calibration-related software and checksum
More specific information on the displays are described in the "Operating In-
The display of this information can be triggered as follows:
Start or restart of the charging station
Using the brightness sensor (see below)
Trigger information display via brightness sensor
To trigger the information display, the brightness sensor (see
) must be covered ("dark") and illuminated ("light") in a defined se-
quence. Each state ("dark" or "light") must last between 1 and 5 seconds.
Dark > Light > Dark > Light > Dark
The states ("dark" or "light") can be generated using a flashlight. The flash-
light is placed directly in front of the sensor and switched on and off in the
defined sequence.
The certification of the charging station makes it possible to generate billing-
related information for the transmitted energy of a charging session, includ-
ing a user assignment.
The conformity assessment of the charging station (measurement device
and auxiliary device) provides for the use of measured values from the in-
stant display and of remotely transmittable, signed data records. Only
specifically marked information on the display and the information from the
signed measurement data records may be used for billing.
Pricing is not possible on the device.
Information relevant for billing
User/Transaction ID