Kaspersky Anti-Virus
Figure 40. Defining the IP connection
Dial-up settings
– Use this branch to define the dial-up connection to your
LAN settings
– Use this branch to define the
connection to your IP via the
local network.
Use passive mode FTP transfers
– Use passive mode when working with
an FTP server (this is especially useful for those connecting to an IP via a
proxy-server or a firewall).
Figure 41. The dial-up options
When configuring a dial-up connection you can check the following check boxes
(Figure 41):
Automatically connect on start
– Dial up automatically to your IP
immediately after starting the updating process.
Automatically disconnect on exit
– Disconnect automatically (switch off
the modem) after the updating process is completed.
Figure 42. The
Connect To
If you have chosen the
automated connection feature
to set up a remote access to
your IP, the program will
enable the standard remote
access utility (unless you
have installed another one)
after you start the updating