Maintaining antiviral protection
– The name of the scanned object.
Object status
– The name of the object status assigned according to its
return code (infected, clean etc.).
– The name of the virus with which the object is infected.
– The check-up object processing parameter.
Report database
The results of the work of the Monitor and the Scanner modules are logged in the
report database log if you have made the appropriate settings (see section 5.4.5
on page 46). All the operation result records are grouped as follows:
By date
– List of records grouped by the generation date.
By type
– List of records grouped by the type of information contained in
them. The database can contain the following types of information:
– An informational report.
– A report about an incident.
By module
– List of records grouped according to the module by which
they were generated (Monitor or Scanner).
The records group list is located in the
section in the left frame of the
configuration database window (see Figure 9). The name of each group is a
hyperlink that can be used to refresh the right frame of the window.
Structurally, with any type of log record grouping, the right frame is a table with
the following columns (see Figure 31):
– Date of log record generation.
– Time of log record generation.
– Name of the module (Monitor or Scanner), which has
generated the record.
– Type of information contained in the record.
– A hyperlink that can be used to open the report in a separate
window (see Figure 32). The window contains a full description of the
module operation results, namely, the name of the module that generated
the logged record, date and time of the record creation, the type of
information, and detailed attributes of the document.
– A hyperlink that can be used to delete the selected log from the