3. In the beginning of the message specify the exact versions of the
operating system and Kaspersky Anti-Virus
distribution package
and provide the name of your license key.
4. Clearly describe the problem in brief. Keep in mind that when
reading your mail the support service officers do not yet know
about your problem. They only can help after fully understanding
and reproducing it.
5. Send the following data to the Technical support service (pack
them in one archive before sending):
The report file.
The license key.
Specify the approximate amount of daily traffic and whether or not
the server has peak loads.
Question: Is it possible for an intruder to replace the anti-virus
An intruder can download the database from Kaspersky Lab’s website
and copy it to the anti-virus database storage directory, but Kaspersky
will not use them in its work!
Every anti-virus database has a unique signature checked by Kaspersky
when accessing the database. If the signature is wrong or
the date of the database is later than that of the license expiration,
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
will not use such a database.