Warning! New viruses appear daily, therefore we recommend updating
the anti-virus database every day in order to maintain the product in up-
to-date condition (more details below). Please remember to update the
anti-virus database immediately after installing the product on the
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Lotus Notes/Domino
is designed for antiviral
protection of Lotus Notes/Domino-based mail systems. The program is installed
on a server running Linux or Windows NT/2000, and performs virus scans on all
mail traffic passing through the server, as well as on the database files.
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Lotus Notes/Domino performs the following functions
on the server:
Performs virus scans on all the messages that pass through the Lotus
Notes mail system installed on this server. The software searches for
viruses in both message texts and in attached files. In addition, Kaspersky
for Lotus Notes/Domino scans for viruses in any attached
archives and packed exe-files, as well as in attached mail messages and
mail database files.
If possible, the anti-virus program cleans messages infected with viruses,
if this option is enabled. Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Lotus Notes/Domino
can disinfect both the message text and its attachments.
Filters files by the name and extension specified in the settings. The files
with this name are processed according to user-specified processing
rules for infected object processing.
Selects attached database files and mail messages for scanning using
user-specified parameters.
Blocks any infected, corrupted and suspicious objects in the quarantine
Notifies users about any attempts to send them infected messages.
Sends notifications regarding a detected infected object to the recipients
included in the mailing list.