Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Lotus
Notifies the infected message sender.
Logs the results of its work in the report database.
Please note the following limitations of the program. Kaspersky Anti-
for Lotus Notes/Domino:
Does not scan messages encoded with the sender’s secret key.
Invalidates sender’s digital signature in messages when inserting
the check-up marks and/or replacing the attached files with their
disinfected copies.
Does not scan files created in OS/2 or Macintosh systems.
Converts mail messages from MIME format to Rich Text if the
program is installed on a server running Linux.
The program can be configured by any administrator who has access to the
configuration database (see section 5.1 on page 31). The settings are made on a
workstation with installed Lotus Notes client. In addition, if the server supports
the HTTP protocol, the configuration database can be edited from any
workstation via a web browser.
When scanning for viruses, Kaspersky Anti-Virus
for Lotus Notes/Domino
uses an
anti-virus database
that contains information required to detect
and disinfect a large number of viruses. Kaspersky Lab updates the anti-
virus database with information regarding newly emerged viruses twice a
What’s new in version 5.0?
Kaspersky Anti-Virus
5.0 for Lotus Notes/Domino has been significantly
improved since version 4.0. The following are new features of version 5.0:
Now the program supports Lotus Domino R6 Server; the installation
procedure has been improved.
Version 5.0 is empowered with a new antiviral kernel that has enhanced
the speed and quality of scanning for viruses and treating infected
The dependence of program operation on the preset return codes of the
antiviral kernel has been eliminated. Now the administrator can edit kernel
return codes (responses), the object statuses corresponding to each
return code, and actions to be applied to such objects (see
subchapter 5.4 on page 39).