Model Selection (1-10)
This transmitter allows you to program settings for ten (10) dif-
ferent airplanes into its memory. It also allows you to copy the
data from one airplane program to another model memory.
Use the Model Selection function to select a model in memory
and to copy data from one model to another.
Accessing and Utilizing the Model Selection
To access the Model Selection function, enter Code 84 in the
code number access selection or use the direct mode method.
The screen will appear as follows:
Model Selection
Five models are displayed on the screen.
To select different models, simply touch the + or - key to scroll
to the model you wish to access. To access models 6 through 10,
simply continue to scroll through the models with the + or -
Touch the ENTER key to select the current model number and
name (if applicable) displayed on the LCD display.
Note: If the servos do not respond to the control inputs after
model selection is completed, check the frequency in both the
transmitter and receiver to ensure that they are in agreement. If
they are, check the Modulation, Code 85. Refer to Modulation
Selection on page 63 for more information.
Copy Function
This Copy function allows you to transfer all data from the cur-
rent model to another model memory of your choice.
Note: This function is only for use when copying models from
one model memory to another model memory within the same
transmitter. To copy one of your model’s settings into a different
10X airplane radio, refer to Code 86, Data Transfer.
After accessing the Model Select function, select the model you
want to copy the data from. To do so, refer to the Model Select
section above. However, after selecting the “from” model, do not
touch the ENTER key. Instead, touch the COPY key. Your screen
will change to:
After entering the copy screen, proceed to select the destination
or “to” model. To do so, simply touch the + or - keys at the bot-
tom of the LCD screen. That is, if you accidentally select Model
1 as the destination model, but do not want to copy over the exist-
ing data, select Model 2, 3, etc., by touching the + or - keys on
the bottom of the LCD screen.
Note: This is one instance where the naming of your models in
Code 81, Model Name, will assist you in avoiding errors in the
selection of models.
If you change your mind and do not wish to transfer the “from”
model data to any other model memory within your transmitter,
you can simply copy it to itself without losing anything.
10X MANUAL Airplane
Code 84