Elevator-to-Flap Mixing
The uppermost position of the flap mixing switch activates the
Elevator-to-Flap Mixing programming. When this system is
active and a value for flaps is input, the flaps will be deflected
each time the elevator stick is used. The actual flap movement is
adjustable for both up and down elevator. The most frequently
used application is up elevator/down flaps and down elevator/up
flaps. When used in this manner, the aircraft pitches much more
aggressively than normal.
Accessing and Utilizing the Elevator-to-Flap Mixing
To access the Elevator-to-Flap Mixing function, enter Code 63 in
the code number access selection, or use the direct mode method.
The screen will appear as follows:
To adjust the mixing percentage, move the elevator stick in the
desired position, up or down. Your shaded box follows the input.
Use the + key to increase the percentage of flaps. The adjustable
range is 0– + 100%. If you want to decrease the percentage of
flaps, touch the - key. The adjustable range is from 0 – -100%.
If the flaps are moving opposite to the direction that you want,
touch the TURN key. This reverses the mixing direction, giving
you reverse throw, while still retaining the mixing value.
To clear the flap percentage for the shaded area, touch the CL key
or the + and - keys simultaneously. The value in the shaded area
returns to the factory default of 0%.
If you do not want to use the flaps independently, you may want
to inhibit the flap lever in Code 17, Trimmer function.
Additionally, any trimming of the flaps can be accomplished
through the Sub-Trim function, Code 15.
10X MANUAL Airplane
Code 63
Indicates function
being programmed
Touch to
memorize and exit
Indicates down
elevator input
Indicates up
elevator input
Touch to increase flap
percentage for the shaded area
Touch to decrease flap
percentage for the shaded area
Touch and simultaneously,
or CL, to reset the shaded flap
percentage to the factory default – 0%
NOTE: OFF will appear if the
flap mixing switch is in the
center or lower positions
Touch to reverse
the direction of the
flap mix.
The mixing value
remains the same and
only the direction in the
shaded box changes
Indicates flap
percentage and
direction of
elevator stick