Function Select
The Function Select function affects four different programming
parameters. These include the activation or inhibiting of the gear,
flap, AUX 2, AUX 3, AUX 4 and AUX 5 controls (levers, switch-
es, knobs); the activation and switch selection of the flight
modes; the activation or inhibiting of the flight mode trim, flap
trim, and elevator roll trim.
Accessing and Utilizing the Function Select Function
To access the Function Select function, enter Code 17 in the code
number access selection or use the direct mode method.
Your screen will appear as follows:
Activating/Inhibiting the Gear, Flap, AUX 2, AUX 3,
AUX 4 and AUX 5 Knobs, Switches and Levers
The 10X allows the activation or inhibiting of the gear, flap, AUX
2, AUX 3, AUX 4 and AUX 5 knobs, switches and levers.
Inhibiting allows these upper 6 channels to be used as slave mix-
ing channels, while their corresponding levers, knobs or switches
will have no affect on the servo output. It also allows an inhibited
lever, switch, or knob to be used to control other mixing functions.
Note: When a knob, switch or lever is inhibited in Function
Select, the output assumes a neutral position.
The following chart shows the function and the switch, lever or
knob location and its corresponding channel.
It should be noted that when a switch or knob has been inhibited,
it can still be used to control mixing or other channels without
affecting the control of the channel that the switch, lever or knob
is normally associated with. See Origin Mix in the Programmable
Mixing function (Codes 51-58) for more details.
Flight Mode
To access the flight mode menu, touch page in Code 17, Function
The flight mode menu located on the second page of Function
Select, Code 17, allows you to inhibit/actuate the flight modes
and to assign the flight modes to one of three switch locations.
These switch locations include the aileron D/R switch, the eleva-
tor D/R switch or the rudder D/R switch.
Flight Mode Trim
The 10X offers a unique feature called Flight Mode Trim that
allows separate individual trim settings that are automatically
selected in each of the available flight modes. When FM Trim and
Flight Modes are activated, the digital trims will independently
adjust the servo trim position only in the current Flight Mode that
is selected. A useful example of FM Trim is when in Flight Mode
1 half flaps are deployed and in Flight Mode 2 full flaps are
deployed. With FM trim activated, simply trim your airplane in
normal flight (FM-0) then switch to Flight Mode 1 and retrim the
elevator and any rolling tendencies using the digital trims. Then
switch to Flight Mode 2 and repeat the process. The 10X will
memorize each Flight Mode’s trim settings automatically and
10X MANUAL Airplane
Code 17
Indicates feature
being programmed
to exit program
Touch to select the
control you wish to inhibit or
Arrow indicates
control selected
Touch to
access next screen
Press or
to clear or activate the
selected control
to select the
desired channel
to clear
or activate the selected channel
Arrow indicates
channel selected
Touch to access
flight mode select screen
Touch to
exit program
RX Channel
Top left back switch
5 or gear
Left side lever
Right front face
Right side lever
Rotary knob right front face
Rotary knob left front face
Indicates feature
being programmed
Touch to
activate flight
modes 3 and 4
Touch to select the
desired switch location for
flight modes or to inhibit
Indicates switch position of
flight mode (elevator,
aileron, or rudder D/R
switch or INH)
Indicates flight
mode 3 and 4
are inhibited
to activate
FM trim