(Code 14). To enter the Dual Rate function, enter Code 13 in the
code number access selection or use the direct mode method.
Touch the PAGE key to call up the desired channel (aileron, ele-
vator, or rudder) for which you want to adjust the rate.
Select the switch position for which you want to adjust the rate.
To select the switch position, move the dual rate switch (relative
to the desired channel) to the proper setting 0, 1, 2.
Note: Dual rates can also be assigned to flight modes (Code
17). If flight modes are active, use the assigned flight mode switch
to select the desired flight mode that the dual rates are to be
adjusted in.
Next, adjust the rate for the channel and the switch position or
flight mode that you have previously selected. To decrease the
throw rate, press the - key. To increase the throw rate, touch the +
After the rates have been adjusted to your satisfaction, begin to
adjust the exponential values. Remember that the exponential
values do not change the total servo travel. They only alter the
way in which this rate, or travel, is reached.
Note: If you are using Dual Rates and/or Exponential for the
first time with a given model, it’s recommended that you not use
flight modes during these first flights. (See page 19, Code 17, for
more details about flight modes.)
Adjustment of the Exponential Curves
The adjustment range of the exponential curve is from 0% to
±100% for each of the respective channels.
The greater the positive exponential value, the less servo action,
or sensitivity, you will notice around the
neutral setting. The greater the negative
value, the more servo action, or sensitivity,
you will notice at the neutral point.
The graphs at left may aid in understand-
ing the exponential curve.
In the top graph, the response, or rate of
servo travel, is less at the neutral point and
increases as the stick reaches its travel
limits. This positive exponential rate is
useful if the controls are very sensitive
around the neutral point. The solid diago-
nal line represents a linear response rate.
In the bottom graph, the response rate of
this servo is greater around neutral and
decreases as the stick reaches its travel
limits. This negative exponential rate is
useful if the control is very slow or unre-
sponsive around the neutral point. The diagonal solid line repre-
sents the linear response rate.
Note: Negative exponential rate is seldom used.
Caution: If using negative exponential for the first time, be
careful, as this may cause the aircraft to be over-sensitive around
neutral, and it may be very difficult to control.
To adjust the exponential rate, use the +, - and CL keys. The
+ key increases the exponential rate, while the - key decreases the
response rate. To clear the exponential rates, touch the CL key, or
the + and - keys simultaneously.
VTR: Variable Trace Rate
This feature can be thought of as a double rates. When VTR is
active, servo response follows the dual rate value until the select-
ed VTR point is reached (50%, 60%, 70%, 80%, or 90%). When
the VTR point is reached, the servo rate increases, and the servo
follows the high rate determined by travel adjust.
Summary of Response Curve Selections
Adjusting Dual Rates and Expo Value Independently
in Each Direction
The 10X allows dual rates and/or Expo values to be independent-
ly adjusted in each direction of servo travel. This is extremely
useful in that many aircraft have differing pitch, roll or yaw rates
in each direction, and a different value is needed to achieve the
same response and feel in both directions. It’s typical for an aero-
batic aircraft to require slightly more down dual rate and less
Expo value to achieve the same feel for up and down elevator.
To independently adjust the dual rate or Expo value for each
direction, simply move the appropriate stick in the desired direc-
tion, and the shaded box will highlight only the selected direc-
tion. Now adjustments can be made to that direction only.
10X MANUAL Airplane
or Exponential Adjustments
Will operate in dual rate mode until it reaches the selected
VTR point; control
90% will then switch to the higher rate
Up to 50% stick travel around center at pre-set exponential
value and switch to linear
Up to 50% stick travel around center at pre-set linear value
and switch to exponential