Digital Trims and Trim Rate Adjustment
The 10X features digital trims on aileron, elevator, and rudder
and a mechanical trim on throttle. Digital trim positions are auto-
matically stored in memory for each model, and it’s not necessary
to manually store trim positions as it was with previous genera-
tions of JR 10-channel radios. Furthermore, independent digital
trims in each flight mode can be selected ( see FM Trim, Code
17, page 19). Each digital trim has a trim rate feature that is
adjustable from 1 to 10. This allows the amount of trim move-
ment for each step of trim to be altered from very fine (setting of
1, one click of trim moves the servo very little, which is useful for
ultra-fine tuning of an aircraft) to very course (setting of 10, one
click of trim moves the servo a large distance, which is useful
when first trimming out an airplane).
Note about digital trim rates: It’s important to understand that
the total trim travel (the total amount of servo travel available
with the digital trim lever) does not change when the digital trim
rate is changed and remains at approximately 30 degrees. Only
the distance between steps (resolution) is altered when the trim
rate value is changed.
Note about mechanical throttle trim rate: The mechanical
throttle trim rate is adjustable from 0-100%. Adjustments made to
the throttle trim rate affect both the total servo travel available
with the throttle trim lever (approximately 0 to 30 degrees) and
the servo travel between each click of trim (resolution).
Features of the digital trims:
• The digital trims emit a loud beep each time the trim is moved.
• When the trim neutral position is reached, a distinctive high
pitched beep is emitted, audibly indicating that the center posi-
tion has been reached, and the trim travel will pause for a short
period of time.
• When holding the digital trim continuously and the center posi-
tion is reached, a high pitched beep is emitted and a slight delay
(approximately 1/2 second) will occur, allowing you time to
release the trim at the exact neutral if desired.
• The pitch of the beep changes from right to left/ up to down
(right is a low pitched tone, while left is a high pitched tone; up is
a low pitched tone and down is a high pitched tone). This allows
the pilot to audibly approximate the trim position during flight
without having to look at the transmitter.
• The digital trims feature automatic dual speed scrolling. If the
trim is held, the speed at which the trim changes will start at a
slow rate then increases to a more rapid rate in approximately 3
• A distinct higher pitched beep is emitted at the extremes of trim
travel, indicating the trim end point has been reached.
• When Flight Modes are active, individual trim settings for each
Flight Mode are available and are automatically memorized for
each Flight Mode. See page 19, Code 17 FM Trim.
Digital Trim Display
On the initial info screen, the trim position can be displayed on a
bar graph or as a digital value for reference. To select the bar
graph or digital trim values, touch the SEL key on the initial info
screen (see below).
Accessing and Utilizing the Trim Rate Feature
To access the Trim Rate feature, enter Code 83 in the code num-
ber access selection or use the direct mode method.
Your screen will appear as follows:
Note: The factory default settings for digital trim rates are
four, while the default settings for the throttle trim is 100%. If,
after flying your model, you find that the trim rate needs to be
altered, simply access the Trim Rate function as described above.
Next, touch the + or - keys under each channel to achieve the
desired trim rate. Touch CL to return to the factory setting of four
for digital trims or 100% for mechanical trim.
After completion of the trim rate selection, press the ENTER key
to exit the program.
10X MANUAL Airplane
Code 83
Touch to select the bar
graph or digital trim values for
the digital trim settings
Touch to
return to function
Touch the or to
increase or decrease the total
trim throw and distance
between each step for the
throttle servo
Touch the or to increase or
decrease the trim rate (1 to 10) (step
distributed between each click of trim)
for that respective channel