Error messages and indications
Signal levels per
N 32: 2.3Vd[OK]
: -.-Va[PER?]
N 48: 2.3Vd[OK]
: -.-Va[PER?]
N 127: 2.5Vd[OK]
: 3.9Va[OK]
Please note: One-off identifiers can only be measured with the help of the trigger
output and an oscilloscope (see section 5.12).
6.7 Indication of an identifier without required bits
Signal levels per
S : Standard ID
E : Extended ID
Vd: CAN_H -> CAN_L
17 Identifiers found
16 Identifiers OK
Signal levels per
16 Identifiers OK
1 Identifiers BIT?
0 Identifiers ERROR
S 386 : 2.0Vd[OK]
: 3.5Va[OK]
S 388 : 1.9Vd[OK]
Signal levels per
S 1840 : 2.3Vd[OK]
: 3.7Va[OK]
S 1911 : -.-Vd[BIT?]
: -.-Va[BIT?]
S 1919 : 2.5Vd[OK]
: 3.9Va[OK]
For signal level measurement, the identifier must be followed by the data length
code 1 or greater because in general one bit of the first data byte is required. In
addition, the bit stream after the identifier must include two dominant bits in a
sequence. If these conditions are not met the following line will give you an indi-
cation of the missing required bits:
<number> Identifiers BIT?
Copyright IXXAT Automation GmbH
CANcheck Manual, Version 1.2